This book is a “must read” for pastors, Christians and all others that really love their neighbors and want what is best for them, their culture, their health and their wealth. This goes beyond just giving lip service to a loving Christian belief that is intended to be compassionate toward those that are suffering in many ways or in need. This book identifies that it is only when we believe in and practice a complete biblical worldview individually and as a society that our lives, our families lives, the lives of those in our community, the lives of all Americans and the lives of all the people in the world will be drastically improved.
One common major misconception of Christians is that it is the governments job to supply goods to people in need through taxation and redistribution. Neil Mammen exposed that belief as completely unbiblical and that it is not a God given right like life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Mammen goes on to cite all the negative effects that not only our unbiblical beliefs have on our society, but accepting all the bad, unbiblical, immoral laws that that cause our culture to spiral downward into the abyss.
He essentially argues that we as Christians are responsible for the downward spiral we see happening in America by either not voting or by voting for candidates that espouse unbiblical moral values. Then he proposed what we need to do to reverse this situation starting with our pastors. If we want to save our country we need to get many pastors and Christians reading this book ASAP!